Puzzling Discovery

In searching for the lode we have exposed an underground working, launder, tram way?

Situated in front of the crusher house at a depth of 2 meters running east to west. Covered over by killas slabs laid horizontally.

A substantial amount of material will have to be removed methodically before we can clearly see along the level. The only way to get a photo now is to hang the camera down through the gap and hope for the best.


Note the floor right hand side could be a track?









A lot of the loose rocks can be removed by hand.

It should be possible when a sufficient area of the killas roof is removed to enter the level and explore.  Diet starts tomorrow!!



2 thoughts on “Puzzling Discovery

  1. Slightly worrying when you find uncharted stuff like this! But very exciting
    & fascinating, are there no plans of the old mine & workings?

  2. We had calculated the lode passing through this area, although it could be beneath the level.
    We have the mine abandonment plans of the mine and there is no mention of this feature, probably because it had been covered for a long time.
    Its condition is remarkable, watch this space!

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